All those who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ…

We confess one baptism unto remission of sins

and life everlasting.

—st. john damascene (675-749ad)

About the Mystery of Holy Baptism

What is Holy Baptism?



Baptism is divinely instituted, as are all the Mysteries, i.e. it was established by the Incarnate Son of God, the God-man Jesus Christ Himself. He instituted it by “word and deed”; by deed when He Himself, though sinless was baptized in the Jordan, and thus showed us the form and need for us sinners to be baptized. By word also, chiefly when he commanded His holy disciples and Apostles after the Resurrection to go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19) and again when he commanded them: Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he who does not believe shall be damned. (Mark 16:15-16)

How is holy Baptism Administered



After the candidate for baptism has been instructed and has confessed the true faith, and after being anointed with oil which has been blessed, he is then baptized by being immersed three time in the sanctified water in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, just as our Lord instructed.

What occurs in holy Baptism?



During Holy Baptism a death and resurrection take place, a rebirth. First a death takes place, which is why he who is to be baptized must be totally immersed in the water of the font, because this immersion symbolizes death – the death to the “old sinful man.” In this manner, original sin comes out of him and is done away with, and man is freed from the dominion of sin. From the Holy Font the individual arises dead unto sin, reborn unto a new life, resurrected into a new life in Christ, a child of God, a faithful Christian, a citizen and member of God’s kingdom, that is the Christian Church.

Why is the sacrament of Baptism called illumination?



Holy Baptism is called illumination because man is illumined and passes over from the darkness of sin to the light of Christ, and becomes entirely light and life, and radiates the light of the divine spiritual life. Thus, in ancient times, the catechumens who advanced in instruction of faith and were ready for receiving Holy Baptism were called those approaching “illumination.”

Is Baptism the same thing as salvation?



No. Holy Baptism is the first essential step towards salvation in Christ, but is not a guarantee or promise of salvation. When man arises from the Font of Baptism, he still retains a certain inclination and tendency towards evil. In light of this inclination, the Christian must struggle to work towards holiness and perfection. Only through this struggle and his continued participation in the Mysteries of the Church and the mercy of God, is man saved.

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